Monday, March 26, 2012

30 Day Meditation Challenge - Day 5

Mondays are my early day. Out of the house by 6:15 and so up at 5...and today, meditation at 4:50. But, honestly, waking up right away and doing my 10 minute sit is easier than hitting snooze and trying to wake up slowly. I thought it would be harder to do it an hour earlier but it isn't. In one of my yoga books without pictures (maybe Autobiography of a Yogi?) I read that getting up early for my spiritual practice is worth losing that 15 mins or hour in bed. I find (finally) that I agree.

I wake up early Monday because I go to a meditation group where we sit for 15 minutes. Before bed last night I tried to convince myself that that sit would count but my commitment was to do it before I left the house and so today is a double-header.

My first sit was not remarkable except in how every time I meditate it is remarkable. The practice of keeping this muscle working is where the magic is and the result is the bonus. I am realizing that fact more and more since I have been doing this "project."

I am interested to see what comes in Act II...


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